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From Theory to Practice with SYNCC-IN Workshops

Advancing Understanding of Bio-Behavioural Synchrony: From Theory to Practice with SYNCC-IN Workshops.

Date: 5-7.05.2025, Warsaw + online

>>Registration<< deadline: 27.04.2025

About SYNCC-IN workshops: The meeting will include both plenary lectures and smaller group workshops to transfer theoretical knowledge into research practice. The event is designed for researchers and students interested in the project’s themes and methodologies (fNIRS, EEG, HRV, motor-vocal analysis) used to investigate bio-behavioural synchrony in both neurotypical and neuroatypical populations. It also welcomes anyone exploring the application of these techniques in fields such as psycholinguistics, philosophy, bioinformatics, physics, mathematics, and beyond.

The whole workshop program can be found here.

We are looking forward to seeing you!


You may contact us by e-mail:
Ewa Komorowska (project manager):