Prof. Beate Sodian, (LMU, Germany) is a world-renowned scholar in the field of social development. She advises the project based on her experience in examining theory of mind development in children with neurotypical and neuroatypical development.
Prof. Antonia Hamilton, (UCL, UK) is the leader of the Social Neuroscience group at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (UCL). Her current research interests include how social skills differ in autism and the neural mechanisms of social interaction.
Prof. Marc H. Bornstein, (NIH, Unicef, USA) is the senior investigator and head of child and family research at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. He advises the project based on his experience with mother-child interaction as well as on synchrony and neuroimaging.
Prof. Zbigniew R. Struzik (UNIWARSAW & Sano Institute, Poland) has over thirty years of experience in biosignal analysis and in modeling complex biological interactions. He advises the project based on his experience with fetus – mother heart rate coupling.
Prof. Matt Lieberman is the director of the Social Cognitive Neuroscience lab and considered one of the founders of the field of ‘social neuroscience’. He received his PhD from Harvard in 1999 and has been doing neuroimaging since 1998. He has had many interests over the years, but all of his interests now coalesce around neural synchrony. His work has received worldwide attention from places like the New York Times, HBO, BBC, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, and Scientific American. Dr. Lieberman won the American Psychological Association’s Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology (2007), the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Career Trajectory Award (2015), and UCLA’s Distinguished Teaching Award (2020). Science magazine named him one of the “Top 50 Science Stars of Twitter”. He will advise the project based on his experience with examining neural synchrony during naturalistic interactions.